One of the delightful experiences I have enjoyed in the past year is having dinner and drinks with good friends and exchanging "jokes". In my travels, my wife reminds me often that jokes are culturally based and the nuances at times do not cross cultural barriers. However, all you patois speaking expatriates of the diaspora will appreciate this little joke.
Two Jamaican couples were driving in Canada and hit the jackpot! Unbeknownst to them, there is a safe driver program in Canada that rewards safe drivers. The police will pull drivers over and reward them with a thousand dollars if the driver is observed demonstrating good driving habits. The officer puts on his sirens and flashing lights and the Jamaican driver appropriately pulled over.
The officer approached the driver and instead of a traffic ticket, congratulated the driver on being selected for the safe driving award. "What are you going to do with the money?" asked the officer. The driver, having recently immigrated from Jamaica responds in his bet patois "I am going to try and get my drivers licenses sir." The driver's wife piped in:"Sir, he is only saying that because he is drunk".
The gentleman in the back seat then asked the officer for some information:"Sir, we are all illegal aliens and trying to get to the American border before dark, so we won't be in Canada long. Are we on the right highway to get to the US border". Finally, the lady in the back seat said: "Is ganja possession illegal in Canada?"
The officer continued to smile and nod his head acting as if he understood each word that was spoken and finally said: "You know, I never could understand the Jamaican accent and the cute way you all speak but have a nice day and enjoy your money!"
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